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Welcome to Animega-is (and HB Meloton musik & röst)!

Animega–interactive sentences

an app for creative and playful language learning

The Animega-is app was developed by Topic DOS AB in versions for iOS, Windows and Android tablets. Animega-is_introduction video

The iPad version has been marketed by Topic DOS AB since April 2022 but is now managed by HB Meloton, and made available for a minimal price to cover distribution costs for the app.

Full and Lite versions are available for iPads

Animega-is on US App Store:

New 2024!! Animega-is now also for Windows on Microsoft Store

What is Animega - Interactive Sentences?

The general idea of Animega-is is that users either

a) create sentences from words which generate corresponding animations or video clips (Create mode), or

b) are presented with animations or video clips and try to match them by producing corresponding sentences (Test mode)

More details are found in the Animega-is user manuals:
Animega-is Swedish Usermanual
Animega-is English Usermanual

Please also take a look at this introduction video!

Animega-is has recently been tested as part of a major research project in Sweden called KomLoss / DiLL (Digital media supporting Literacy Learning in children with communicative and cognitive disabilities) run by a team of people at DART (at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg), and the universities of Göteborg (Gothenburg) and Linköping. Results were presented (in Swedish) at the KomLoss slutkonferens.

Funding support for the development of Animega-is has been received from the Swedish “National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools” - SPSM

The earlier Omega-is (Omega - interactive sentences) desktop software for educational and interactive language play has been substantially updated and complemented. It contains editors for producing new educational and media material for the exercises and tasks of Animega-is (and Omega-is).

Omega-is is maintained and distributed as free and open-source software. The source is maintained at https://github.com/data50p/omega2-is.

For more information about Animega-is and Omega-is, you are welcome to contact:

Mikael Heimann at mikael.heimann-at-gmail.com

Mats Lundälv at m.lundalv-at-gmail.com

(where ”-at-” = ”@”)

© 2024 HB Meloton Musik & Röst